Web page design is a familiar topic of interest for “looking ahead” style articles at the start of each New Year. Design experts and web service providers tend to look keenly at recurring trends around the time the calendars change. And with the current year being the start of a whole new decade, some people are sure to be thinking about how web page design is going to look in the next year and also in the next 10 years.

Of course, there’s nothing inherently special about this calendar year. The advent of the 20s should just serve as a reminder that it’s always a good idea to have a long-term vision for web page design and other marketing strategies for your business or personal brand. The further we move into the 21st century, the more competitive the online marketplace becomes. And the more competition there is, the more important it is for you to set yourself apart by staying on the cutting edge.

And even though 2020 isn’t necessarily going to be all that different from 2019, there have been some articles in recent weeks that recognize truly cutting edge trends in web page design. This has much to do with the tools that are becoming available to boutique web design companies as well as to large-scale firms. But it also has a lot to do with the rapidly growing availability of high-speed internet. Together, these phenomena make it possible to give web users an everyday experience that would have been practically unthinkable just a few years ago.

If you had to boil this trend down to a phrase, you might call it “dynamic user experience.” Among the web page design trends that contribute to this phenomenon, you’ll find 3D modeling, micro animations, and motion graphics. And it’s not difficult to envision how these sorts of tools can have a dramatic impact on marketing and user engagement, especially for e-commerce websites.

Despite the rapid growth of e-commerce and the challenge it poses to brick-and-mortar stores, there are still areas in which it falls short of shopping for goods in-person. Sometimes it’s nice for the customer to be able to hold something in their hand and examine it from all angles before making a purchasing decision.

And while we may have to wait another decade for developers to provide a tactile dimensions to web page design, a dynamic interface can potentially provide your site with the next best thing right now, in 2020. Animation and modeling can allow would-be customers to truly interact with product images, rather than just looking at a series of static images.

And with the help of reliable, high-speed connections, previously-established web design trends like embedded video can also give visitors a closer connection to the company and related information. Utilized effectively, these features keep people on the site longer, increasing the odds of sales and return traffic.

As you might notice, the underlying principle for this sort dynamic web page design is evergreen. The tools of effective customer engagement have always been available, though they have evolved tremendously over the years. In the early days of the World Wide Web, the most basic design features were downright exciting. But professional web page design services were scarce. Today, competition is everywhere and scrolling through web pages is too commonplace to be a real source of excitement.

Yet the design trends of 2020 should serve as a reminder that web page design can still surprise and delight visitors with online experiences they didn’t know were available. That is now more of a challenge for a Charlotte web design company than it ever has been before. But for those who are committed to witnessing the continued evolution of the internet now that it’s been a familiar part of our lives for decades, it more rewarding than ever, too.