Amazon has just given app development companies a unique tool for providing material rewards to loyal users of a client’s product or service. The system has already proven effective in trial runs, with users being two to three times more likely to complete specified actions when rewards were offered through Amazon Moments.

The system allows app development companies to link those actions directly to a wide array of Amazon merchants. Thus, when users of a client app reach a certain threshold of engagement, they are automatically rewarded with either a pre-selected product or a gift certificate that can be traded in for any product in a specified category with a certain value.

Whichever of these options the app development companies implement, it saves their clients the trouble of having to fulfill orders for physical rewards that they might have otherwise offered directly to customers and users. In many cases, this significantly reduces and stabilizes the cost of offering such incentives, thereby making it easier for the company behind an app to assess the value of the investment.

For some app development companies and their clients, the costs of fulfillment may have prevented them from entertaining the possibility of ever implementing giveaways tied to user actions. Now, many of those same companies can feel comfortable making this a perennial feature of their apps.

The app development companies can tap directly into the system set up by Amazon Moments while focusing their own efforts on perfecting the features that actually determine user experience. Client companies, meanwhile, can more fully evaluate which user actions ought to trigger giveaways, as well as which products are best to offer.

Some app development companies have offered digital rewards in the past, but this doesn’t come close to matching the increased engagement that results from the promise of a physical gift shipped directly to the user’s home or office. And depending on what constitutes engagement with a given app, this extra incentive could be a game-changer for certain clients.

The issue is not just how much an app’s users can be encouraged to interact with it, but also how long those interactions last. If recurring usage represents revenue for the company behind the app, then it behooves them to prevent users from letting that app get buried in the clutter on their phones, tablets, or computers.

By building an app to notify users of pending rewards, app development companies can help to make sure that users continue chasing after the gold ring. And on the way to catching it, those same users will be helping to bolster the app’s usage statistics, reviews, and other markers of organic marketing. That’s a lot of beneficial interactions in exchange for a physical reward that essentially sends itself to the customer.

As long as app development companies set up Amazon Moments so these rewards are triggered only after the client has received comparable value in user interactions, the ultimate outcome is a clear increase in satisfaction for all parties involved.