If you search the internet for articles related to web marketing, you’ll come up with a great many informational blog posts and newspaper columns addressing topics like “common marketing mistakes by e-commerce entrepreneurs” or “creative ways to use automated marketing.” The trouble with a lot of these articles is that they seem to be directed at all sorts of small businesses, but they convey information that may only be actionable by other web marketing service providers.

Such articles draw in the reader with the promise that he will be able to follow a series of easy steps to effectively marketing his business, only to leave him so baffled or overwhelmed that he comes away with the understanding that those steps are best left to a local web marketing services provider or an SEO services company.

We at One Brick Tech have no interest in that kind of bait-and-switch blogging. We intend to be up-front in subsequent posts on our site: we want small businesses in Charlotte, NC and across the country to contract with us for small business marketing solutions and web design services. We expect you to seek out those services because you understand that web marketing is difficult, that your time is precious, and that you’ll get the best results by leaving the secrets of effective web marketing to professionals with a demonstrated track record in utilizing those strategies.

This isn’t to say that we won’t ever describe some of the tips and tricks involved in marketing strategies for small business both within Charlotte and on a national scale. But we’ll never pair that information with false claims about easy implementation and instantaneous results. Rather, we’ll offer it as food for thought when you discuss your small business’s web marketing strategy with your internet marketing services provider, whether that is One Brick Tech or any other company.

But when making that choice, just bear in mind that if any company’s site provides you with a list of three or four tricks and promises that they’ll speed you to the top of the search engine results, they’re peddling snake oil. Small business web marketing solutions are difficult to implement, and they require constant vigilance from a highly professional web design and development company.

We believe that One Brick Tech fits that bill, and it is prepared to get down to the serious business of implementing the best web marketing strategies from day one. Meanwhile, if your competitors have been reading the kinds of blogs that are overly optimistic about the ease of internet marketing, they’re likely to lose ground as they try to go it alone before realizing the importance of professional assistance.

If you want to, by all means go on reading those other blogs. But when you’ve done so, take what you’ve learned and contact us to discuss how we can use our experience as a Charlotte, NC web design and development company to achieve the most effective implementation of those web marketing strategies.